Web Content Discovery

How to discover files and directories.

Web Application Content Discovery


feroxbuster uses brute force combined with a wordlist to search for web content. These resources may store sensitive information about web applications and operational systems, such as source code, credentials, internal network addressing, etc.

The following command will execute a rate limited web brute force using a wordlist of your choosing. It will present as a web browser and filter out unwanted status codes, like HTTP 404. Adjust the --filter-lines value after the first run, when you can determine how many lines a false positive page contains.

./feroxbuster -k -u <URL> --rate-limit 100 --scan-limit 1 -a 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' --filter-status 404,403,400,503,401,429 --extract-links -w <wordlist.txt> -n -t 100 --filter-lines 0

You may consider using content discovery wordlists from the following sources:

API Content Discovery


Kiterunner is a tool that is capable of performing traditional content discovery but also bruteforcing routes/endpoints in modern applications that use APIs.

The following command will use the default Assetnote wordlist and filter out any unwanted status codes, like HTTP 404. Adjust the --ignore-length value after the first run, when you can determine how many lines a false positive page contains.

./kr scan <URL> -A=apiroutes-240128 --fail-status-codes 400,401,404,403,501,502,426,411 --ignore-length 999999

You may consider using content discovery wordlists from the following sources:

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