IPA Decryption
How to decrypt and IPA file.
If an IPA file is retrieved from the apple store, it must be decrypted.
Decrypting an IPA
Firstly, using your iOS testing device, download the IPA from the app store
Frida Dump
To retrieve the IPA file, you can use Frida Dump. You will need an iOS testing device and a Mac.
To setup Frida Dump on your iOS testing device and Mac, conduct the following steps:
(On phone) Add the Frida source to your JailBreak app
(on mac) use the command
iproxy 2222 22
(on mac) use the command
python3 dump -l
(on mac) use the command
-o ~/Desktop/<app.ipa> <app bundle from above cmd>
(on mac) use the command
unzip <app.ipa>
Now check if IPA binary is encrypted or not (on mac) using the following command:
otool -l Payload/<app.app>/app_binary | grep cryptid
1 = encrypted
0 = not encrypted
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